• A one-stop cost-effective multilingual solution adding value to your business
  • 25 years’ experience as a comprehensive multilingual translation enterprise in all South Africa’s 11 official languages
  • Expertise widely recognised in the translation industry since 1994
  • Solid reputation for professionalism, accuracy and excellence

"If you speak to a man in a language that he understands, it will go to his head. 

But if you speak to a man in his language, it goes to his heart”

Nelson Mandela

                                                     18 July 2003

 Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages


Afri-Lingo’s mission for the past 25 years has been to promote the development and equal use of South Africa's 11 official languages in all printed and informative matter, and to offer a group-wide one-stop cost-effective multilingual solution to clients, adding value to their businesses.

Strategic Priorities and Objectives

Our Priorities and objectives are therefore:

  • The promotion of multilingualism in all forms of communication and the enhancement of all the official languages in the workplace.
  • The development and modernisation of the nine African languages.
  • The development of new terminology to accurately communicate issues in the constantly evolving business and social environments.
  • Enabling organisations to meet their exacting requirements in respect of communication, especially in the nine African languages, offering a one-stop cost-effective language solution.
Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages


The Afri-Lingo Multilingual Team adheres to the following values:

• Constitutional Values (Section 6 recognises the principle that the 11 official languages should
    enjoy parity of esteem and they should be treated equitably);
• Honesty;
• Loyalty;
• Reliability;
• Dedication;
• Ubuntu; and
• Batho Pele.


As a service provider working in the 11 languages, we have proved a reliable and reputable language consultancy service to our clients. Our organisation offers the expertise of a network of specialist translators in the 11 official languages, all of whom have the necessary linguistic skills and academic backgrounds, as well as many years of experience in translating and editing such diverse material as:

  • legal, financial and insurance agreements;
  • strategic frameworks;
  • labour-related issues;
  • health and safety measures;
  • school curricula;
  • research questionnaires; and
  • documents of an agricultural nature.
Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages




 Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Unique Services

We pride ourselves on rendering documents in highly technical and complex fields into the target language, using plain and understandable language to ensure that the meaning is clear to the audience and the translation is a true and correct reflection of the source language. In this regard our standard work procedure has always been to:

  • make use of reliable terminology sources and other resource material;
  • work together with the industry to create and standardise new terminology based on the orthography and spelling rules laid down by the Pan-South African Language Board (PanSALB) and the National Language Service of the Department of Arts and Culture;
  • have a team performing a thorough quality check to ensure the correctness of translations, which goes a long way to provide assurance to our clients as to the quality, correctness and consistency of translated documents delivered; and
  • share our clients’ sense of urgency — all work is delivered within the time frames specified and agreed upon.

Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Multilingual solution to clients, Translation into all 11 official languages

Clients and Associations

We are proud to have among our long-term clients such prominent organisations as KANTAR Research Surveys (worldwide), Afriforte – the commercial arm of the WorkWell: Research Unit for Economic & Management Sciences at the North-West University, the international Awareness Publishing Group and Nedbank. Our other high-profile clients include Open Doors, ME Graphics, Dillyblue and the South African Bull Terrier Club.


Contact Form

Our Address

Multilingual Translation Enterprise

Tel: 011 475 8636
Fax: 011 475 8635
Cell: 082 320 6443